Sunday, December 23, 2007

How Cool Are Operator Please

Last night we had an awesome time opening for Operator Please at Maroochydore. After hanging out with them for most of late Saturday afternoon we all decided that they are one incredibly cool band. And they're sooo young but doing so well. And they put on a sweet live show. So we were stoked to be the opener. How cool.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

4ZzZfm - We Love You!!

Just yesterday we found out that we were number 1 on local Brisbane radio station 4ZzZfm's top 20 in the first week of releasing our EP. That's our first no. 1!

People have told me they've heard our record being played on air but I am still yet to have that 'first time hearing your song on radio' moment. Songs sound so different on radio so I'm hanging out for it.

Anyway, 4ZzZ thanks heaps. We love you to bits. Local radio forever!!!

iTunes... How Good

The Quills are now on iTunes!!! Yeah!! I know pretty much every band in the world has their stuff up on iTunes but it's sooooo cool to have a record out and having it available for download was a reminder of just how cool it is. I hope someone out there can empathise with my excitement. So cool!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

EP Launch

I'll try not to back-blog too much but this one's important. Last Thursday we launched our debut EP at The Globe. We are incredibly excited to finally have a record out and we wanted to say a massive thanks to everyone who came along to help celebrate. It was a sweet night and I hope everyone in the crowd had a blast. We certainly did on stage. I'll post photos later.

At Last... An Official Blog

It's been a long time coming but we have finally got our online stuff together. And by 'stuff' I mean blog, website... yeah. Our official site at is now live. So visit often for the latest news etc etc. Visit us here at our blog as well to hear from all the guys in the band. We'll post as often as we can, or whenever something blogworthy happens. See you soon.
